1. Choose your selection

2. Use our filters to narrow down on choices and select your desired product

3. Select desired quantity

4. Add to shopping cart or select buy now

5. View your cart by clicking the shopping bag icon on the top right corner

6. View your cart and go to checkout

7. Fill in your contact number and email

8. Fill in your shipping address

9. Select your shipping method

10. 檢查聯絡資料及收貨地址

11. 按繼續付款

12. 我們選用安全可靠的支付平台 QFPay

13. 按馬上付款

14. 我們有不同的支付方式供您選擇

15. 如欲使用其他支付方式,請直接Whatsapp聯絡我們查詢

16. 再次確認銀碼後再按支付,之後便會跳入不同支付平台的介面。

17. 多謝惠顧!